Using the Letter Template Library

The Letter Template Library contains all standard letter types and templates. You can edit standard letter templates for any letter type and save them as a custom template in the Letter Template Library.

Letter templates are organized in the library by letter type. Under each standard template, paragraphs are listed according to their category and the order they appear in the letter template.

The system provides a user-defined letter type for any letter template that does not belong to a standard letter type. You are not able to create letter types, but you can add any custom letter template to any letter type.

Standard letter templates are distinguished from custom letter templates by the template name. All standard letter templates include the word Standard in the name. The default custom letter template name includes the word Custom in the name. You can rename the default custom letter name, but we recommend keeping the word Custom in the name to easily distinguish it from a standard letter template.

ClosedDisplaying the Letter Template Library

  1. Select the tax year and return type from the available lists in the left pane of the Correspondence Manager window, and then click.
  2. If the library section is not expanded, click the Letter Template Library navigation bar in the left pane.

ClosedSearching for Letter Templates in the Library

  1. Enter complete or partial criteria in the box above the list in the library, and then click.

    When the search is complete, the folders containing matches to the criteria you entered will open in the library and the matching items will be highlighted yellow.

    The number of matches found displays to the right of the root folder in the library.

  2. Click next to the Search box to remove highlighting from the library and enable the Search button.
  3. Note: The Search icon changes to the Clear Search Results icon when the search process starts.

ClosedViewing Paragraph Reference IDs

A numeric ID is assigned to standard and custom paragraphs that allow Support to easily identify paragraphs needing diagnosis. The reference ID displays before the paragraph description in the Letter Template and Paragraph Libraries. Expand a paragraph section in the Letter Template Library to view the reference ID for each paragraph in the section.

ClosedExplain the options on the ribbon, Application menu, and right-click menus.

The Location column in the following table describes where each option can be accessed. Some options, as noted in the Location column, are only available for custom letter templates. See Adding Custom Letter Templates for more information.

The letter template location refers to both standard and custom templates. The letter type location refers to the top-level folder in the Letter Template Library.