Frequently Asked Questions

ClosedWhat do I need to set up before using Correspondence Manager?

Before working in Correspondence Manager, configure settings for the following:

  • Return configuration set correspondence options. Configuration options for standard letter templates are set in the return configuration set. The options are applied to all letter types for the selected return configuration set. See Setting Correspondence Options for more information.
  • Microsoft® Word formatting marks. If you display paragraph marks and other formatting symbols, such as andin Microsoft® Word, the symbols will display in your rendered letters for all paragraphs, even the ones that did not meet the conditions of the return. For example, if a letter template of five paragraphs renders two paragraphs in a return, the formatting marks for all five paragraphs are also displayed in the return. The additional characters can result in having to scroll unnecessarily to get to the area of the letter you want to review or edit. See Clearing Word Formatting Marks for more information.
  • Microsoft® Word AutoRecover options. Correspondence Manager creates a recovery document if the system closes unexpectedly, as in the case of a power failure. Your work will be saved automatically in a recovery file if AutoRecover is activated in Microsoft® Word. See Setting AutoRecover Options for more information.
  • Access Rights.You must have access rights to edit correspondence. Access rights can be assigned to security groups. The functional rights are located in the Security Group Profile on the Tax tab. There are two functional rights for correspondence:
    • Access Correspondence Libraries. Grants rights to edit correspondence in a Correspondence Manager library.
    • Modify letters for return. Grants access to Correspondence Manager to edit letters in a return.

ClosedWhy do my letters not generate in my tax returns?

A letter type must be selected for preparation in the return configuration set or in a tax return for templates within the letter type to generate in a return.

To select how letter types are prepared for a return configuration set, do the following:

  1. Do one of the following to open the Return Configuration window:
    • Open Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel, and then click Configure > Return configuration sets under Tax.
    • Click Configuration Options on the Quick Access Toolbar in Correspondence Manager.
  2. Expand a return configuration set name on the navigation panel.
  3. Expand Correspondence on the navigation panel and double-click Letter Options.
  4. Select how each letter type should be prepared for the return configuration set.
  5. Click Save.

ClosedWhy are the correspondence updates I make inside a return not being applied to the return?

After saving your changes in Correspondence Manager, you must also calculate the return to apply your changes to the return.

ClosedWhy is it important to enable the AutoRecover option in Microsoft® Word?

Correspondence Manager creates a recovery document if the system closes unexpectedly, as in the case of a power failure. Your work will be saved automatically in a recovery file if AutoRecover is activated in Microsoft® Word. See Setting AutoRecover Options for more information.

ClosedHow do I distinguish between custom and standard letter templates in the Letter Template Library?

Standard letter templates are distinguished from custom letter templates by the template name. All standard letter templates include the word Standard in the name. The default custom letter template name includes the word Custom in the name. You can rename the default custom letter name, but we recommend keeping the word Custom in the name to easily distinguish it from a standard letter template.

ClosedHow do I distinguish between custom and standard paragraphs in the Paragraph Library?

Paragraphs in the Paragraph Library are color-coded as follows:

  • Black text. Standard paragraph
  • Pink text. Custom paragraph created from a standard paragraph
  • Blue text. User-defined custom paragraph, also referred to as a pure custom paragraph

You can also use the Properties window to display the name of the staff that created or last modified a paragraph, indicating the paragraph is custom. For standard paragraphs, the value for Modified by staff on the Properties window is System.

ClosedWhy is my custom paragraph that is set to override the default paragraph not applied to the standard letter template?

ClosedWhat file formats can I import in Correspondence Manager?

The following document types can be imported as letter templates:

  • .doc
  • .htm
  • .mht
  • .rtf
  • .wps
  • .docx
  • .html
  • .mhtl
  • .txt

See Importing Custom Letter Templates for instructions on importing files in Correspondence Manager.

ClosedWhat letter types and paragraphs have internal conditions that I cannot view?

Transmittal and K-1 letter types have internal conditions that cannot be viewed in the Preview Pane or the Condition Editor. However, you can append conditions to custom paragraphs of these letter types.

ClosedWhat are reference IDs?

A reference ID is a numeric ID that is assigned to standard and custom paragraphs. They allow Customer Support to easily identify paragraphs needing diagnosis. The reference ID displays before the paragraph description in the Letter Template and Paragraph Libraries. Expand a paragraph section in the Paragraph Library to view the reference ID for each paragraph in the section.

ClosedHow is Correspondence Manager different when accessed inside a return?

  • Correspondence Manager accessed from Dashboard. Three libraries, Letter Templates Library, Paragraph Library, and Keyword Library, display on the navigation panel. The content of each library is applicable to the tax year and return type that are selected on the navigation panel. All standard and custom letter templates and paragraphs are listed in their respective library and are organized by letter type. The Keyword Library displays all keywords defined by the system.
  • The Condition Editor allows you to set conditions that specify the criteria that must be met for letter templates and paragraphs to render in tax returns. The Grammar Variable Editor is similar in appearance and function to the Condition Editor. This editor allows you to select the words to use as grammar variables and set the parameters for how they are to be applied in your correspondence.

  • Correspondence Manager accessed from a return. Letters and Filing Instructions replaces the Letter Templates Library and lists the letter types and letters applicable to the return. All letters that are enabled for each letter type are rendered and can be viewed. Letters that are selected to print with returns are denoted with an asterisk (*). The Paragraph Library organizes standard paragraphs defined by the system as well as any custom paragraphs. Only those paragraphs that are rendered for the selected letter display in the paragraph tree. The Keyword Library displays keywords defined by the system as well as data populated from the open return. The data includes keywords that are in the paragraphs in the rendered letter and keywords in paragraphs that can be used as alternatives.

ClosedWhat is the criteria for letters to render in a tax return?

The letter template configurations in Correspondence Manager are organized by tax year and return type. Letters are rendered or generated in returns based on the return's tax year, return type, return configuration, and the template conditions.

The conditions set for letter templates and paragraphs are evaluated in Tax when a return is calculated and you access the letters by clicking Letters,, on the Review tab or by selecting Print Preview from the Application menu or Print window. This is also true for changes that are saved for a letter inside the return. After saving your changes, you must calculate the return.

A letter template is rendered as a letter in a tax return based on all of the following criteria:

  • The letter type in which the letter template resides has been selected for preparation in the return configuration set or in the tax return.
  • The tax year and return type of the return matches that of the Letter Template Library.
  • The letter template is enabled in Correspondence Manager.
  • The return configuration set of the return matches the return configuration set enabled for the letter template.

  • The return meets the estimate reminder letter, filing instructions, or consent letter template conditions.
  • The return is calculated.

ClosedHow do I open Correspondence Manager inside a tax return?

  1. Open a return with correspondence in Tax.
  2. Calculate the return if it has not been previously calculated or if you made changes to the return since the last calculation.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Click Letters,, in the Overview group on the Review tab.
    • Select Print Preview from the Application menu or from a Print window to open the Print Preview window.
  4. Select a correspondence item in the left pane, and then select an available letter to preview.
  5. Click Edit to open the Correspondence Manager window, displaying the selected letter in the Word pane.

ClosedWhy are the custom font settings saved in the return configuration set not shown in the Letter Template and Paragraphs Libraries?

Custom font settings are applied when tax letter templates are rendered in a return and when Organizer letter templates are previewed or printed. In addition, custom font settings are not applied to filing instructions or consent letters.

ClosedHow are print sets used to manage the preparation of correspondence?

Return print sets customize the conditions that documents print for each tax product, tax authority, and copy type. Return print sets can also determine the order in which documents, including correspondence, print and suppress the printing of documents. The system includes a default return print set. You can create custom return print sets for your firm. See Using Return Print Sets in Tax Help for more information.

Organizer print sets customize the conditions that Organizer documents print for each Individual and Fiduciary tax product, according to a tax authority and tax year combination. Organizer print sets can also determine the order in which documents print and suppress the printing of documents. The system includes a default print set. You can create custom Organizer print sets for your firm. See Using Organizer Print Sets in Batch Manager Help for more information.

ClosedHow can I associate my custom letter templates to a print set?

You can associate custom letter templates to a return print set by assigning a default print set and return configuration set to an organizational unit (office, business unit, or region). To do this, click Settings and defaults under Firm in Dashboard, and then select Tax > Return Defaults on the navigation panel. Then assign the client to the organizational unit on the General tab of the client profile.

ClosedWhere can I override return configuration set correspondence options for a single return?

See Return Options to view a list of the worksheet locations that override the return configuration set. Other considerations for special paragraphs, filing instructions, and consent letters are included in the Return Options section.

ClosedWhy is the Edit button not available on the Print Preview window in Tax?

The Edit button is disabled for the following reasons:

  • You may not have the necessary functional rights to access Correspondence Manager. The functional rights are located on the Tax tab in the security group profile. If needed, contact your system administrator.
  • You may be previewing standard filing instructions, selected in a return on the Filing Instructions and Cover Letter form or the Letters and Filing Instructions worksheet. Correspondence Manager does not manage standard filing instructions. See Return Options for more information about the differences in selecting alternate and standard filing instructions.
  • You may be previewing a document that was not rendered from Correspondence Manager.

ClosedWhy are both the standard and custom letter for the same letter type rendered in a tax return?

If you enable a custom letter template and the corresponding standard letter template is enabled for the same return configuration set, disable the return configuration set for the standard letter template; otherwise, both letters will be rendered in returns.