Suppressing or Unsuppressing Paragraphs in the Paragraph Library

The Suppress Paragraph command prevents a standard paragraph from generating or rendering in return letters.  The Suppress command, selected in the Paragraph Library, is applied to all letter templates in which the standard paragraph is included.

To suppress or unsuppress a standard paragraph in the Paragraph Library, do the following:

  1. Select the tax year and return type from the available lists in the left pane of the Correspondence Manager window, and then click.
  2. If the library is not expanded, click the Paragraph Library navigation bar in the left pane. Paragraphs in the Paragraph Library are color-coded as follow:
    • Black text. Standard paragraph
    • Pink text. Custom paragraph created from a standard
    • Blue text. User-defined custom paragraph, also referred to as pure custom
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Suppress. Do the following:
      1. Right-click an unsuppressed standard paragraph in the Paragraph Library and select Suppress Paragraph from the menu.
      2. Select the return configuration sets to suppress the paragraph for the tax year, return type, and letter type, or select Suppress to select all return configuration sets.
      3. Click Save. The suppressed paragraph displays in gray font in the Paragraph Library and in the letter templates in which it is included.
    • Unsuppress. Do the following:
      1. Right-click a suppressed standard paragraph in the Paragraph Library and select Suppress Paragraph from the menu.
      2. Clear the return configuration sets to unsuppress the paragraph for the tax year, return type, and letter type, or clear Suppress to clear all return configuration sets.
      3. Click Save. The unsuppressed paragraph displays in normal black font in the Paragraph Library and in the letter templates in which it is included.

How Suppression Can Affect Rendering of Custom Paragraphs

Refer to the following table to understand how the suppressed state of a standard paragraph can affect the rendering of a custom paragraph that is set to override that standard paragraph.

Custom Paragraph Is… Default Standard Paragraph Is… Paragraph Conditions Are… Generated Letter in the Return
…added to a custom letter template   ...met The custom paragraph is generated.
…added to the Paragraph Library and set to override the default standard paragraph …unsuppressed in the standard letter template ...met The custom paragraph is generated if both the default paragraph and custom paragraph conditions are met.
…added to the Paragraph Library and set to override the default standard paragraph …suppressed in the standard letter template ...met The custom paragraph is not generated, regardless if conditions are met. The standard paragraph must be unsuppressed.
…added to the Paragraph Library and set to override the default standard paragraph …unsuppressed in the standard letter template ...not met The custom paragraph is not generated if either the default paragraph or custom paragraph conditions are not met.