About Document Central

You can access most features of Document from the Document Central window. This window includes the features described in the sections below. Click the thumbnail below to view an image of Document Central. Click a link below to learn more about each feature in the window.

Button Bar

The buttons located at the top of the Document window allow you to quickly perform commonly used functions. They include the following:

Link Description
Favorites Displays the items you have identified and added to the Favorites section.

Add Files

Opens the Add files window so you can upload files to the selected entity.
Add Hyperlinks Opens the Add files window with the Hyperlink tab selected so you can add hyperlinks to files for the selected entity.
Advanced Search Opens the Advanced Search window where you can create a search based on a number of criteria.
Reports Opens the Document Reports window so you can create and view standard reports.
Recycle Bin

Opens the recycle bin and displays any files contained within. You can add files to the recycle bin by selecting Delete on the file's right-click menu or by dragging a file directly to the recycle bin.

Feedback Opens the Feedback window, where you can enter and send a message to the Document team.
Share Safe Opens the Share Safe Firm URL window, where you can get the Share Safe URL that outside entities can use to share files with your firm.
Ask a Question Opens a window that allows you to ask a question of our virtual support representative.

Navigation Panel

Use this area to select the entities that you want to work with. Your saved searches and favorites are also located here. Clicking a section header in the navigation panel expands that section so you can access the items in that section. See About the Navigation Pane for more information

Tab Area

The tab area displays lists of files that are stored in Document for the selected entity. The that display can vary, depending on your permissions and how you use Document. For example, the Task assignments tab displays only when you have tasks assigned to you or you have assigned tasks to other people.

On many tabs, are visible for individual files. These indicators give you information about the availability of the files for checkout.

The file is checked in and available.

The file is checked out or locked by another user. To view the name of the person who has checked out or locked the file, hover your pointer over the indicator.

You currently have the file checked out.

The file is in the process of being checked in, checked out, or being downloaded.

Grid Button Bar

You can use the buttons in the grid toolbar to manage the appearance of the grid. The buttons and their functions are as follows: 

Button Description
Reset Grid Resets the grid to the default settings. Any changes you have made and not previously saved are discarded.
Refresh Grid Refreshes the files displayed in the grid that meet the current criteria, but may have been added after the most recent search was performed. Any changes made to the grid are lost.
Expand All Expands all groups within the grid.
Collapse All Collapses all groups within the grid.

Some Document Central tabs have additional buttons that are specific to that tab's features. See the Help topics that provide instructions on using those tabs for information about those buttons.

Search Bar

The Search bar provides a way for you to find specific files or clients. Advanced search options allow you to enter Boolean-type operators to further narrow the results.

Getting Support

In addition to the Help file, you can get further assistance using the following features.

  • Ask our virtual support assistant a question. Click Ask a question in the toolbar to launch the CCH Support bot. You can select the area that you have a question about, including questions about other CCH Axcess products.
  • Click Get Support in the status bar at the bottom of the window to view a list of hot topic and FAQs. You can also use this tool to submit a web ticket to Support or start a chat session with a Support representative.