Setting Up a Workstation to Pilot Federation Services

If you will be pilot testing Federation Services, you must generate your unique code to log in. If your user ID or email address changes, you must regenerate your pilot login code.

To set up your local workstation to log in to CCH Axcess using Federation pilot login, do the following:

  1. Click Utilities under Firm on the Application Links window in Dashboard.

  2. Click Generate Federation Services Pilot Login Code on the Common window.
  3. Select Set up this workstation to log in using AD FS Pilot with the generated code to set up the Federation pilot login on your current workstation.
  4. Click Generate Pilot Login Code to generate the pilot login code and set up Federation pilot login automatically on your workstation.
  5. Click Close.

If you want to set up the Federation pilot login on a different workstation, copy the generated Federation pilot login code and do the following:

  1. Log in to the other workstation where you want to setup the Federation pilot login.
  2. Open Control Panel and browse to SystemAdvanced System Settings.
  3. Select the Advanced tab and click Environment Variables.
  4. Click New under the User Variables section.
  5. Enter the following:
    • Variable name. CCHPilotADFS
    • Variable value. Enter the generated Federation pilot login code.
  6. Click OK.

What are the Next Steps?