Managing Client Custom Fields

The Client Profile Custom tab allows you to enter information in areas that were defined during your firm's setup. This tab does not display if there are no custom fields defined for the client type. For more information, see Adding or Editing Client Custom Fields. Also, the tab will not appear if you do not have the right to view any of the custom fields for the client's organizational unit.

To add to or edit the values for a custom client field, do the following:

  1. Open Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel, and then click Client Manager under Clients.
  2. Do one of the following:
  3. Click Profile Information > Custom on the navigation panel.
  4. Enter values for each custom field as necessary. Custom fields display only on the custom tab of the client profile. The client selection displays the sort name followed by the clientID.
  5. Note for editable drop-down lists:

    Enter text in the box to search for client ID, sub-ID, or name. As you type, the results update and the first matching item is highlighted.

    You can do the following to select an item:

    • Press Enter to select the highlighted item in the grid.
    • Move from the box to select the highlighted item in the grid. For example, you can press Tab or select another field or button on the window to move focus from the box.
    • Use your mouse to select a record in the grid.
    • Use your keyboard up or down arrow to highlight an item in the grid, and press Enter.

  6. Click one of the ClosedSave buttons or cancel.