Using Document with Workstream

If your firm licenses both Document and Workstream, you can link client files stored in Document to Workstream projects. This integration allows you to:

  • Create, change, or remove links between client files and projects from either Document or Workstream
  • Display the Workstream project ID and name for client files in the Document file grids
  • Access client files stored in Document from the Workstream Project - Linked Documents window
  • Capture information about project and file links as part of the file history and in the user and file audit activity reports

Note: The link between a client file and its associated project remain in place even after the project is completed.

No special set up is required to use the Document and Workstream integration. Once you create a project and assign it to a client in Workstream, the project will be available to assign to the client's files in Document. The client's files stored in Document will also be available from within Workstream.

For instructions on creating a project and assigning it to a client, see the Workstream Help. See the Document Help for information about linking a file to a project when you upload the file to Document.