Adding or Editing Client Responsible Staff

The Client Responsible Staff window allows you to create descriptions for various job functions that maintain different facets of client management. You can also set a description as prospect ownerClosed A person in the firm responsible for developing the relationship with a potential client and acquiring their new business or expanded business., referring staffClosed A person in the firm who introduced the opportunity for new business or expanded business that is represented by a prospect. or, iQ staffClosed The staff or staff members who are responsible for reviewing CCH Axcess iQ news events and following up with clients who may be affected by tax regulation changes.. Each of these three designations must be assigned once (not necessarily to the same client).

To add or edit a client responsible staff, do the following:

  1. Open Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel, and then click Lists under Firm.

  2. Click Client Lists > Client Responsible Staff on the navigation panel.
  3. Do any of the following:
    • Add a record. Click New on the button bar.
    • Edit a record. Select a row in the grid and click Open on the button bar, or right-click a row and select Open from the menu.
  4. If needed, enter a new description, such as primary partner, tax preparer, or bill manager.
  5. Select one or more of the following designations, if applicable: Prospect owner, Referring staff, iQ staff.
  6. Important: Selecting a designation removes the selection from the description where it was previously associated.

  7. Click one of the ClosedSave buttons or Cancel.

You can now assign responsible staff to the description on the Administration window in the client profile.