Managing Client Associate Custom Fields

You can create and manage custom fields for your client associates, allowing you to enter custom information needed by your firm in the client associate profile. See Adding or Editing Client Associates for more information about entering custom information in the client associate profile. The following field types can be added:

  • Check box
  • Client list
  • Currency
  • Date
  • Department list
  • Drop-down list
  • Number
  • Office list
  • Rate
  • Staff list
  • Text

To add or modify custom client associate field entries, do the following:

  1. Open Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel, and then click Lists under Firm.

  2. Click Client List > Custom Fields - Client Associate on the navigation panel.
  3. Do any of the following:
    • Add a record. Click New on the button bar. The Custom Field - Client Associate window displays. See Adding or Editing Client Associate Custom Fields for more information on adding a record.
    • Edit a record. Select a row in the grid and click Open on the button bar, or right-click a row and select Open from the menu. See Adding or Editing Client Associate Custom Fields for more information on editing an existing record.
    • Delete a record. Select a row in the grid and click Delete on the button bar, or right-click a row and select Delete from the menu to permanently remove the selected item. Any client associate with data assigned to this custom field will lose that data.
    • Print the current view of the grid. Click Print on the button bar, or right-click and select Print from the menu.
    • Find a record. Click Find on the button bar or right-click a record on the grid and select Find from the menu to search for a record in the grid. Enter the complete criteria to search for a specific record or partial information to search for similar matches, and then click Find Next to select the next instance of your criteria in the grid.

Note: You must be granted the functional right to add, edit, or delete Lists to perform these functions.