Copying Budgets to Staff

You can copy budgeted goals from one staff to any number of additional staff. When staff have the same budgeted goals, this eliminates setting up each staff individually.

Tip: You can copy goals to periods to quickly create budgets for many periods. See Copying Budgets to Periods for more information. You should establish goals for as many periods as possible before copying the goals to other staff.

To copy budgets from staff, do the following:

  1. Open Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel, and then click Staff Manager under Staff.
  2. Click Productivity Goals in the navigation panel.
  3. Click Copy goals to employees in the navigation panel.
  4. If needed, select the year from which to copy budgets.
  5. Note: You cannot edit prior fiscal years.

  6. Select the staff whose goals are to be copied. The information to be copied displays.
  7. Review the information to be copied. ClosedExplain the information to be copied.
  8. Click one or more boxes in the Select column to select staff to which the budget is to be copied.
  9. Click Apply to confirm your selections. The window will reset to clear the options you selected.
  10. Click one of the ClosedSave buttons or Cancel.