Rolling Goals to a New Year

You can copy goals for selected staff from the current year or any prior year to any future year. Goals for each budget period in the source year are copied to corresponding budget periods in the destination year.

  1. Open Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel, and then click Staff Manager under Staff.
  2. Click Productivity Goals in the navigation panel.
  3. Click Roll goals to new year on the navigation panel.
  4. Select the year to copy goals from.
  5. Select the year to copy goals to.
  6. Select the check box beside the ID column for each staff to include in the roll forward. Select the check box in the header row to select all staff or clear the box to deselect all staff.
  7. Click Apply to confirm your selections. The window will reset to clear the options you selected.
  8. Click one of the ClosedSave buttons or Cancel.