Setting Up Service Codes

Service codes are classifications used to specify the charges and taxes for time and expense transactions. Your firm creates the service codes that are appropriate for the services it provides.

How are service codes used?

All time and expense transactions, including non-billable tasks, must have service codes assigned to them. Once assigned, the service codes can help your firm do the following:

  • Monitor the balance of billable and non-billable activity
  • Generate invoices
  • Review staff productivity

If your firm licenses Workstream, you can assign service codes to projects and worksteps.

Using Categories and Subcategories

If your firm has many service codes, you may want to create categories and subcategories to group similar codes together. While service codes are required, categories and subcategories are not.

ClosedShow me an example of how categories and subcategories can be used to organize service codes.

In this example, the firm is using both categories and subcategories to organize its service codes. If subcategories were not needed, the firm could instead use categories alone to group the service codes.

Note: You can choose to include categories and subcategories when service codes are set up for your firm, or you can choose No Selection for the category and subcategory fields. See Setting Up Categories.