Managing PTO and CPE Hours for Staff

You can track PTO and CPE hours for staff members on the Practice > Time Planner tab in Staff Manager.

Note: Your firm must license Practice to use this feature. You must be assigned access rights to staff members before you can manage their PTO and CPE hours.

To manage PTO and CPE hours for a staff member, do the following:

  1. ClosedOpen the profile for the staff member.
    1. Open Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel, and then click Staff Manager under Staff.
    2. Select the check box for the staff member you want to edit, and then click Open. You can also right-click a staff member in the grid and select Open.

      Note: If you need to make changes for multiple staff members, you can use the Update Multiple > Individually option. For more information about updating multiple staff, see Editing Staff Profiles.

  2. Click Practice > Time Planner on the navigation panel.
  3. Do any of the following as needed:
    • ClosedAdd PTO or CPE time.
      1. Enter or select the date range for the planned time off. Dates should be in mm/dd/yyyy format.
      2. Enter the number of hours of PTO or CPE that will be taken on the selected dates.
      3. Select either PTO or CPE to indicate the type of hours being taken.
      4. Click Apply. The Staff PTO/CPE grid refreshes to include the newly entered information.
    • ClosedEdit previously entered PTO or CPE time.
      1. In the Staff PTO/CPE grid, right-click the time entry you want to change and select Edit.
      2. In the top half of the window, edit the entry as needed.
      3. Click Apply. The Staff PTO/CPE grid refreshes to include the updated information.
    • ClosedDelete previously entered PTO or CPE time.
      1. In the Staff PTO/CPE grid, right-click the time entry you want to delete and select Remove.
      2. Click Remove again to confirm the deletion.
  4. Click Save to save the changes without closing the Staff Profile window, or click Save & Close to save and exit the window.

Note: If needed, you can also export or print the Staff PTO/CPE grid. Right-click the grid and select Export or Print.