Managing CPA/CPE Information for Staff

You can view and manage the CPE certification information for a staff member in Staff Manager. CPE requirements can be tracked for multiple jurisdictions. As CPE courses are completed, they are listed beneath the relevant jurisdiction. You can see at a glance whether CPE requirements have been met.

To manage CPA/CPE information for a staff member, do the following:

  1. ClosedOpen the profile for the staff member.
    1. Open Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel, and then click Staff Manager under Staff.
    2. Select the check box for the staff member you want to edit, and then click Open. You can also right-click a staff member in the grid and select Open.

    Note: For information about updating multiple selected staff, see Editing Staff Profiles.

  2. Select PracticeCPA/CPE on the navigation panel. The CPA/CPE grid displays a list of jurisdictions that have been added, if any. Click to expand a jurisdiction and display the courses that have been added for the jurisdiction. Click to collapse a jurisdiction.
  3. Do any of the following as needed:
    • ClosedAdd a CPA jurisdiction.
      1. Click New > New Jurisdiction on the button bar.
      2. Select Closedoptions for the new jurisdiction.
      3. Click Save & New to create a new jurisdiction or Save & Close to exit the window.
    • ClosedAdd a CPE course credit.
      1. Click New > New CPE course credit on the button bar.
      2. Enter the Closedinformation about the CPE course credit.
      3. Click Save & New to add another course or Save & Close to exit the window.
    • ClosedEdit a CPA jurisdiction or course credit.
      1. Select a jurisdiction row, or expand a jurisdiction row and select a course beneath the jurisdiction.
      2. Click Open on the button bar.
      3. Update CPE certification information for the selected course or change information for a jurisdiction.
      4. Click Save & Close.
    • ClosedDelete a CPA jurisdiction or course credit.

      Warning: The deletion will be effective immediately. You will not be prompted to confirm the deletion. Deleting a jurisdiction also deletes any courses that are listed beneath that jurisdiction.

      1. Select a jurisdiction row, or expand a jurisdiction row and select a course beneath the jurisdiction.
      2. Click Delete.
  4. Click Save.