Using the Delete Function and Resolving Active References

Before an entity can be deleted, if there is an active referenceClosed Reference to a record that has not previously been deleted or closed. For example, staff is assigned as the client responsible staff for one or more clients. associated with the entity, it must be replaced, cleared, or deleted.

If there are active references that need to be replaced, cleared, or deleted before the entity can be deleted, you will be notified when you try to delete the entity.

To delete a record, do the following:

  1. Right-click a record in the grid and select Delete from the menu. The Delete entity window displays when the entity cannot be deleted.
  2. ClosedExplain the components of the window.

  3. Click Close to resolve the active references that exist before attempting to delete the entities again.
  4. Manually resolve the active references by navigating to each work product area and replacing, clearing, or deleting the references. For clients and staff, you can indicate the status as Terminated rather than deleting the client or staff, if desired.