Managing Security Group Functional Rights

Security permissions can be defined by roles, which allow staff to have the appropriate rights only while acting in a specific role associated with a work object.

Security permissions can also be defined by security groups to which the staff is assigned, which allow staff to have rights to the work object regardless of their role.

Note: If all child functions within a parent are set to the same value (Undefined, Grant, or Never Allow), the parent function is automatically changed to that same selection.

To update group functional rights, do the following:

  1. Open Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel, and then click Security groups under Security.
  2. Do one of the following:
  3. ClosedAdd a security group.
  4. ClosedCopy an existing security group.
  5. Note: Only the organizational units that you have rights to create security groups for are copied to the new group.

  6. ClosedEdit an existing security group.
  7. Click Functional rights on the navigation panel.
  8. Select the appropriate option for each product in the grid.
  9. The functional right assignment can be one of the following:

    • Undefined. Access is not yet assigned.
    • Granted. Access is allowed.
    • Never allow. Restricts all access, including any inherited access. This keeps the users assigned to the security group from performing the function even when the same users are members of another security group or assigned a role that has been granted the same permission.

    ClosedExplain the components of the window.

  10. Click one of the ClosedSave buttons or Cancel.