Using Best Practices to Secure Staff Information

Staff access groups provide security for staff information. Only the staff assigned access in the access group are able to view and work with the secured staff in the selected product modules. Staff without access to secured staff cannot view or work with objects, such as Document files, Workstream projects, and Tax returns, that are associated with the secured staff. This provides confidentiality of personal information and other product information related to the staff.

You can also have access to staff information based on your assigned security groups. See Using Security Groups to Give Staff Access to Modules and Functions for more information.

 Securing Staff Through Attributes

Securing staff by organizational unit or position gives less precise control. Including or excluding specific staff in various groups may be also required. An advantage of securing staff through attributes is that new staff or staff whose profiles change are automatically included in access groups according to their organizational unit or position.

Larger firms may find this method satisfies most of their staff security requirements. It fits well where there are many staff who require security, many staff who need access to those staff, and significant numbers of new staff who require security.

Note: When securing staff by attributes, make sure only qualified staff are granted permission to modify those attributes. Those permissions are defined in security groups.

Securing Specific Staff

Including or excluding specific staff gives precise control over secured staff, but requires maintenance if the staff organizational unit or position changes.

Smaller firms may find this method satisfies most of their staff security requirements. It fits well where a small number of staff need to be secured and a small number of staff require access.

Tip: It is generally easy to determine certain staff or certain positions who should have complete access to certain staff in all modules. This is an excellent starting point. As work is planned and performed, it may be determined that certain staff need access in other areas. Create additional staff access groups to provide that access. This approach leads to a well-defined security system that accurately reflects your security needs.

Which Method of Assigning Staff Is Best?

One method is not necessarily better than the other, regardless of the size of your firm. Some smaller firms will find assigning security by attributes is best. Some larger firms who want the precise security provided by specific staff selection will find that method best.

You can use both methods. Many firms will find that securing staff through attributes is an efficient way of handling most staff, but the precision of specific selection is best for some staff who need or request specific security considerations.