Using the Form Due Dates List

The Workstream Lists > Form Due Dates window lists all the custom form due dates created by your firm. It also includes the Check Tax Calendar list button, which you can use to see if a form due date is provided by Workstream. If a form due date you need is not provided by Workstream, or if you need to change the date calculation for a form, you can create or edit the form from this window.

Note: If needed, staff members who have the Edit Form Due Dates permission also can modify the form due dates in specific projects.

Custom form due dates can be based on date calculation rules. As a best practice, use government forms when possible. Doing so can save time when setting up projects.

Workstream can automatically calculate form due dates for future project periods (such as annual, quarterly, or monthly projects). Workstream can also automatically calculate form due dates using rule-based calculations that you create.

To manage form due dates for your firm, do the following:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Open Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel, and then click Lists under Firm.
    • Open Workstream, and then click Lists in the Manage group on the Manage ribbon.
  2. Click Workstream List > Form Due Dates to display the Form Due Dates window.
  3. Do any of the following:
    • Create a custom form due date. Click New on the button bar. You can also copy a form due date by selecting an item in the grid and clicking Copy. See Setting or Editing Due Date Options for a Form for more information.
    • Edit an existing form due date. Double-click a record or select an item in the grid and click Open on the button bar. See Setting or Editing Due Date Options for a Form for more information.
    • Delete a form due date. Select an item in the grid and click Delete on the button bar. Click Delete again to confirm the deletion.
    • Check the tax calendar list. If you are unsure whether a form is included in Workstream by default, click this button to search for the form. If it is not provided, you can create a custom form due date.

ClosedExplain the components of the window and the right-click menu.