Using Install and Update Manager Help Topics

The Help system includes topics to help you navigate and use the components available on application and secondary windows.

To display Help, do one of the following:

  • Click Help Topics on the Help ribbon tab.
  • Click the Help button  in the top-right corner of a window.


  • Some products do not include a Help ribbon tab.
  • Some simple windows that do not require explanation do not include a Help button.

Using the Features of the Help File

The features of the help file can help you search help, print a help topic, expand or collapse all content in a topic, contact support, or view the help file on your mobile device.

Component Description

Enter your text to search for and press Enter on your keyboard or click the magnifying glass.

Some help files also have search filters available. If so, select a filter from the All Files list to narrow your search results. See the section, Search Operators, below for more information on narrowing your search results.

Print Opens the Print window so you can send the open topic to the printer.
Chat with Support Click to open the Chat support site. Select your product line from the Select a Team list, enter your name, email address, and account number, and click Chat Now. You will be connected to a support representative.
Submit a Support Ticket Click to open the Contact Us support site. Select the type of issue you are experiencing, complete the remaining fields, depending on your issue, and then click Open Ticket to submit your request.
Expand all
Collapse all
Expands or collapses all elements, such as togglers, drop-down effects, and expanding text effects in the active topic.
View mobile help Click to open a topic that displays a Quick Reference (QR) code link to the current help file. Scan the QR code with a QR reader on your mobile device to open the help file on that device.
Show/Hide navigation Shows or hides the navigation panel, giving a wider area to view topics.

Search Operators

Use the following operators in your search criteria to narrow search results. Search is not case sensitive.

Type of Search Operators to use Example Search Criteria
Search for a phrase

“ “ (Quotes). Surround a phrase with " "(double quotes) to limit search results to items that contain the specified words in the exact order that they are entered in the search box.

Note: Our help file search does not include common words such as are, a, the, for, and in. Search will not find matches for queries containing these in quotes.

“roll forward”
Only topics that include the specific phrase roll forward will be included in the search results.
Search for two or more specific strings

Enter one of the following between two search strings to indicate that search results must include both strings:

  • + (plus symbol)
  • & (ampersand)
  • AND (case insensitive)

Note: The default logic is searching for both strings. It is not necessary to enter the above operators if this is the search logic you want to use.

roll & forward
Any topic that includes the words roll and forward in any location in the topic will be included in the search results.
Search for either specific string

Use either of the following to require that one or both of the connected strings be in the search results:

  • | (pipe symbol)
  • OR (case insensitive)
Business Unit | Region
Any topic with the words Business Unit or the word Region will be included in the search results.
Specify text to exclude ^ (Caret). Use ^ to search for all topics that contain one string and do not contain another. Organizer ^ Blank
Any topic that includes the word Organizer but does not include Blank will be included in the search results.
Combine operators ( )(Parentheses). Use ( ) to combine multiple operators. Secure & (Client or Staff)
Any topic that includes Secure and includes either Client or Staff will be included in the search results.