AR Statement Templates

You should generate AR statements after you have posted all time, expense, payment, and adjustment transactions. Also, finalize and post all billings and finance charges for the period prior to generating the AR statements.

Note: If a client has the Print AR statements option cleared on the Billing Options window of the client profile, AR statements will not print for the client.

The following templates are available when creating AR statements.

Balance Forward

Using the balance forward AR statement template will include the beginning balance as of the balance forward date and all AR activity through the cut-off date as defined on the Template/Dates window of the Accounts Receivable Statements window.

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Open Item

Using the open item AR statement template will include invoices, payments, and other transactions are displayed as separate items if they are not fully distributed. Previous activity and current activity will be grouped separately on the statement.

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Remaining Amount

Using the Remaining Amount AR statement template will include payments and remaining balances for each unpaid invoice.

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