Verifying and Editing K-1 Data Using the K-1 Engine

You can verify and, if needed, edit the data that the K-1 Engine will import into a tax return. These optional steps are performed in the Verify K-1 Information window after you upload a K-1 PDF to the return and click Verify K-1 Data in the Action column.

Navigating the Verify K-1 Data Window

The window includes two panes:

  • The K-1 image pane displays the K-1 PDF that was uploaded to the return. By default, fields from which data was extracted are highlighted so they are easier to identify. You can turn this highlighting off or on by clicking Extracted values above the image.
  • If needed, you can use the pagination controls above the image to move between pages in a multi-page K-1. The magnifier buttons to the left of the image allow you to increase or decrease the image size.
  • The editing pane displays the extracted values that will be imported into the return. You can revise the K-1 values in this pane. Separate tabs for Line Items and Notes allow you to move between those areas of the K-1. On the Line items tab, you can expand or collapse sections of the K-1 by clicking the section headers.

Tip: You can customize the window to better fit your workflow. Click at the top right to switch the positions of the panes. You can also split the panes into separate windows by clicking at the top right. To combine the separate windows into a single window, click at the top right.

ClosedTell me about the global buttons and other controls on the window.

ClosedTell me about the K-1 image pane buttons and controls.

ClosedTell me about the editing pane buttons and controls.

Reviewing and Editing the K-1 Data

You can edit the values on the Line Items tab in the editing pane. Information on the Notes tab cannot be edited. You can, however, click an item on the Notes tab to open the page in the K-1 PDF that corresponds to that note.

Revisions that you make will only be visible in the editing pane. They will not be reflected in the K-1 image.

To change the data to be imported into the tax return, do the following in the Verify K-1 Information window:

  1. Select the Line items tab in the editing pane, if it isn't already selected.
  2. Click the header for the section of the K-1 that you want to review and edit values for, if the section is not already expanded.
  3. Compare values on the K-1 image and editing panes as needed.
  4. Tip: Clicking the icon for a line item displays a red box around the corresponding value on the K-1 image so you can quickly compare the values.

  5. Do any of the following as needed:
    • ClosedEdit extracted values or add values in blank fields.
      1. Hover the pointer over the K1 Detail column for the line item that you want to edit or add. When the icon displays, click in the field.
      2. Edit the value as needed.
      3. Press Enter.
    • ClosedAdd child line items.

       If you add a child item, you can specify whether to update the parent value to include the child amount or not.

      1. Click in the Actions column for the line item you want to add a child item for.
      2. Enter the K-1 value and a description of the child item.
      3. If you would like the K-1 Engine to update the parent line item value to include the child value you are adding, select Include amount in parent-line total. If you do not want to update the value of the parent line item, leave this check box empty.
      4. Click Add.
    • Note: Line items with existing child line items display or icons in the Expand column. Click these icons to expand or collapse individual child items. To expand or collapse all child items in a K-1 section, select or clear the Expand check box in the grid header.

    • ClosedRemove child line items.

       You can delete child items that you have added in the editing pane. Child items that were extracted from the K-1 PDF cannot be deleted. They can, however, be excluded from the import into Tax.

      1. Expand the line item with the child line item to be removed.
      2. Click in the Actions column for the child item to be deleted.
    • ClosedSelect specific line items to include or exclude in the import.
    • You can select specific line items in Part III of a K-1 to include or exclude from the tax return import. Items which display a check mark in the Actions column will be imported into the tax return. Items without a check mark will not be imported. Click the gray circle in the Actions column to toggle the import option off or on for a line item. For line items that have child items, the check boxes display at the child item level.

      Tip: If needed, you can revert the selections you made for items to include or exclude in the import by clicking in the grid header row.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Do either of the following as needed:

    • Click Import to Tax to proceed with importing the data into the return. Click Yes to confirm the import, and then click X in the upper right corner of the window to close it and begin the import.
    • Click X in the upper right corner to exit the window without completing the import into the return.

      Note: If you choose to close the return without completing the K-1 data import, the uploaded K-1 remains linked to the return. In a future session, you can proceed with importing the K-1 data using the steps in the topic Importing K-1 Data from PDFs Using the K-1 Engine.