Naming Print Files

When printing returns or return sections to PDF and TIFF files, Tax assigns a default name that includes the following abbreviations:

  • Tax system:
    • (I) Individual
    • (P) Partnership
    • (C) Corporation
    • (S) S Corporation
    • (F) Fiduciary
    • (Y) Estate & Gift
    • (K) Employee Benefit Plan
    • (X) Exempt Organization
  • Copy type:
    • (Acct) Accountant
    • (Govt) Government
    • (Clnt) Client
    • (K1) K-1

The default name for print files begins with the year, country code, tax system, and return ID. The remainder of the name depends on the print object and the options selected on the Print window.

The following are examples of default names generated by Tax:

Entire Return

ClosedAll copy types to different destination file types

<Year> <Country Code> <Tax System> <Return ID> <Copy Type> <Version No>.<File Extension>

Example: 2024US I1000 Acct V1.pdf

ClosedAll copy types to one destination file type

<Year> <Country Code> <Tax System> <Return ID> <Version No>.<File Extension>

Example: 2024US I1000 V1.pdf

ClosedMultiple copy types to one destination file type and creating separate files

<Year> <Country Code> <Tax System> <Return ID><Copy Type> <Version No>.<File Extension>

Example: 2024US I1000 Acct V1.pdf

ClosedMultiple copy types to one destination file type and not creating separate files

<Year> <Country Code> <Tax System> <Return ID><Copy Type(s)> <Version No>.<File Extension>

Example: 2024US I1000 Acct Govt V1.pdf

Federal, State, Cities

ClosedNot creating separate files

<Year><Country Code><Tax System><Return ID>FSC<Version No.>.<File Extension>

Example: 2024US C1000 FSC V1.pdf

ClosedCreating separate files

<Year><Country Code><Tax System><Return ID><Entity><Version No.>.<File Extension>


  • 2024US C1000 FD V1.pdf (where FD is the federal code)
  • 2024US C1000 CA V1.pdf (where CA is the state code)
  • 2024US C1000 LAX V1.pdf (where LAX is the city code)

K-1 Packages

ClosedNot creating separate files

<Year><Country Code><Tax System><Return ID>K1P<Version No.>.<File Extension>

Example: 2024US P1000 K1P V1.pdf

ClosedCreating separate files

<Year><Country Code><Tax System><Return ID>K1P<Version No.><Partner/Shareholder Number><Partner/Shareholder/Beneficiary Name>.<File Extension>

Example: 2024US P1000 K1P V1 1234 Smith, John.pdf (where 1234 is the partner number and John Smith is the partner name)

All Other Print Files

ClosedPrinting return sections

<Year><Country Code><Tax System><Return ID><Print Object Name><Version No.>.<File Extension>

Example: 2024US I1000 PreparerReports V1.pdf

ClosedBatch printing extensions


Example: 2024US I1000 FirstExtensions V1.pdf


ClosedBlank Organizer forms

<Year><Country Code><Tax System><Date Stamp><Blank Organizer>

Example: 2024US I10062024 BlankOrganizer.pdf

Note: If you change the default file name and use any of the following special characters, the system will convert each to a hyphen: \ / : * ? " < > | ' & %