Managing Correspondence Letters Inside a Return

Important: This topic describes how Correspondence Manager functions when opened in a tax return. For information about using the Correspondence Manager window when opened from Dashboard, click in the upper-right corner of that window.

The Correspondence Manager window opened from Tax includes features to review or edit existing correspondence that applies to an open return, and to select the letters to print with the return.

The conditions set for letter templates and paragraphs in letter templates are evaluated in Tax when a return is calculated. This is also true for changes that are saved for a letter inside the return. After saving your changes, you must calculate the return.

Using Correspondence Manager Features

You have the following options to manage correspondence from inside a return:

ClosedDisplaying Letters or Filing Instructions

All letter types and letters rendered for the return display in the Letters and Filing Instructions section on the navigation panel. In the Letters and Filing Instructions section, do the following:

  1. In CCH Axcess™ Tax, open a return with correspondence.
  2. Calculate the return if it has not been previously calculated or if you made changes to the return since the last calculation.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Click Letters,, in the Overview group on the Review tab. All letters prepared from the return display on the navigation panel.
    • Click Preview on a Print window to open the Print Preview window.
  4. Select a correspondence item on the navigation panel to preview.
  5. Click Edit to open the Correspondence Manager window, displaying the selected letter in the Word pane.
  6. Select a letter typeClosed A designation to qualify the types of Tax documents that a letter relates to. The available letter types are based on your firm setup and can include the following: Cover letters - Transmittal letters - Transmittal letters for K-1 - Filing instructions - Extension letters - Estimate reminder letters - Consent letters - Privacy policy - Organizer letters from the Closedleft pane. The available letters for the selected letter type display in the right pane. Letters selected to print are marked with an asterisk (*). See the following section, Selecting Letters to Print with the Return, for more information.

  7. Double-click a letter in the Closedright pane to display in the Word pane.

ClosedSelecting Letters to Print with the Return

Letters selected to print are marked with an asterisk (*) in the right pane under Letters and Filing Instructions.

Select a letter that is not marked with an asterisk and click Use this Letter for this Return on the ribbon. The letter is now marked with an asterisk.

To deselect a letter to print, select a letter marked with an asterisk and click Do not Use this Letter for this Return on the ribbon. Inside returns, at least one letter must be selected to print in Correspondence Manager.

ClosedWorking with Content Controls 

Content controls enclose the text in a letter and are visible in the Word pane when you select text. They enable you to create letters with structured blocks of content. You can use the following types of content controls in correspondence:

  • F - Free flow
  • P - Paragraph
  • K - Keyword
  • G - Grammar variable

Click content in the Word pane to display the content control border and title for the selected text. In the following example, paragraph text is selected outside the grammar variables and keyword text, displaying the paragraph content control.

Select text that was rendered from a grammar variable or keyword to display the content control for that element. In the following example, the text rendered from a keyword, 2024, is selected, displaying the keyword content control border and title. The grammar variable content control would display if you select text rendered from a grammar variable.

Another visual indicator for the positioning of grammar variables and keywords is the highlighting of grammar variable and keyword text within a paragraph when you hover your mouse over either of these elements.

The free flow text content control displays in the Word pane for selected text that is entered outside any paragraph content.


  • To drag a paragraph in the Word pane, your cursor must first be outside free flow text content controls.
  • To drag a keyword in the Word pane, your cursor must first be inside free flow text or paragraph content controls.
  • A partially copied paragraph or a paragraph copied without the content control that is placed in another location is treated as free flow text.
  • A paragraph that is copied with all content and the content control retains all internal properties, conditions, grammar variables, and keywords when it is pasted in a different location.
  • A grammar variable with a set condition that is copied to a location in a paragraph retains the grammar variable content control and any condition.
  • A grammar variable that is copied to a location inside free flow text does not retain the grammar variable content control or associated smart tag.

Tip: Press the space bar on your keyboard to enter the free flow text content control in an open letter.

ClosedEditing Letters

You can edit the letter manually by entering free flow text in the Word pane. If you alter a letter template by removing or replacing paragraphs after you have inserted free flow text, review the letter to verify the text you added is positioned correctly in the letter.

If you remove all or partial content within paragraph content controls, leaving the paragraph controls, the original condition remains with the updated paragraph. If you remove the entire paragraph, including the content controls, the original condition is not retained and any new text that replaces the paragraph is entered within free flow content controls.

After saving your changes, you must calculate the return to apply the changes to the return. Click Saving Correspondence below for more information.

Note: The larger the number of paragraphs you change in a letter, the longer the length of time the system requires saving the changes. If you change 250 or more paragraphs, the system displays a message advising the process can take more than an hour to complete.

Tip: Instead of saving font changes to a large number of paragraphs in a letter, you can save stationery settings in a return configuration set to apply to your standard and custom letters when rendered inside returns.

Special Considerations for State Returns

  • If you edit the state portion of a paragraph with a repeating property in a return, the edited paragraph displays for only that state. To display the edited paragraph in all possible states, recalculate the return.
  • If the state is removed and is replaced by another state, the free flow text will be repositioned. For example, for a combined letter including CA, you add free flow text between paragraphs 16 and 17 in the CA state return. If you delete the CA state and add AZ, the free flow text will display between paragraphs 16 and 17 in the AZ state return.

ClosedDeleting and Regenerating Letters

You can remove a letter that was previously edited and saved in a return.

  1. Select a custom letter under Letters and Filing Instructions that has been previously edited and saved in the return.
  2. Click Delete on the ribbon.
  3. Click Yes on the confirmation window. The selected letter is removed from the library.

Note: If the selected letter is the only letter in the return and it is open in the Word pane, Correspondence Manager automatically closes to complete the deletion process. Otherwise, Correspondence Manager remains open after the selected letter is removed from the library. If the deleted letter was open and other letters exist in the return, the next available letter opens in the Word pane.

To regenerate the letter from the template in the Correspondence Manager Letter Template Library, do the following:

  1. Calculate the return.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click Letters,, in the Overview group on the Review tab.
    • Select Print Preview from the Application menu or Preview from a Print window to open the Print Preview window.

ClosedSelecting Paragraphs

The Paragraph Library displays paragraphs for the open letter type. To select paragraphs, do the following:

  1. Double-click a letter from the right pane under Letters and Filing Instructions. The related paragraphs for the open letter type display in the Paragraph Library.
  2. Drag a standard or custom paragraph or paragraph section to the Word pane to edit a letter. After saving your changes, you must calculate the return to apply the changes to the return. Click Saving Correspondence below for more information.

Important: Paragraph conditions must be met for the paragraph to be generated.

Paragraphs in letters you save with the return do not display in the Paragraph Library.

The Paragraph Library includes a search box to locate objects in the library. To search for items, do the following:

  1. Enter complete or partial criteria in the box above the list in the library, and then click.
  2. When the search is complete, the folders containing matches to the criteria you entered will open in the library and the matching items will be selected.
  3. The number of matches found displays to the right of the root folder in the library.
  4. Click next to the Search box to remove highlighting from the library and enable the Search button.

    Note: The Search icon changes to the Clear Search Results icon when the search process starts.

ClosedRestoring a Standard Paragraph

To restore a standard paragraph as the default for the letter template, hover over a custom paragraph that was created from a standard paragraph and select Replace with Standard Paragraph from the smart tagClosed Correspondence grammar variables and custom paragraphs created from standard paragraphs are recognized in Word and display as a smart tag. When you hover over a smart tag, a menu of options displays. For example, each grammar variable has one or more alternate pairs and each pair is displayed as one smart tag in the Word pane. The smart tag menu displays options to set and remove grammar variables. If a word has more than one potential pair of grammar variables associated with it, the smart tag menu offers all choices. menu.

ClosedDeleting Paragraphs

You can delete standard and custom paragraphs in a generated letter inside the return. The paragraph is not removed from the Paragraph Library, either inside the return or in Correspondence Manager.

To delete a paragraph, do the following:

  1. Open a letter in the Word pane.
  2. Select the paragraph to be removed and press Delete. After saving your changes, you must calculate the return to apply the changes to the return. Click Saving Correspondence below for more information.

If you decide to include a paragraph that was previously deleted from a letter, you can drag it from the Paragraph Library into the letter. Click Selecting Paragraphs above for more information.

For information about replacing all or partial paragraph content with new content, expand Editing Letters above.

ClosedPreviewing Paragraphs and Paragraph Conditions

The Preview pane, located below the Word pane, displays a preview of a standard or custom paragraph or paragraph condition.

To preview a paragraph, right-click a paragraph in the Paragraph Library and select Preview Paragraph from the menu.

To preview a condition, right-click a paragraph in the Paragraph Library or in the Word pane and select Preview Condition from the menu.

Note: System conditions applied to transmittal and K-1 letters cannot be displayed in the Preview Pane. Any custom conditions applied to the selected paragraph can be previewed.

ClosedSelecting Keywords

Keywords are variable blocks of text in correspondence paragraphs that are defined by the system. They change to return specific data when the applicable letter is rendered in a tax return and display in normal font color. When you add keywords from the Keyword Library, they appear as blue text in the Word pane.

In the Keyword Library section, you can do the following:

  • Select from the Category, Entity/Misc, and Type lists and click to filter the grid. Only the keywords that apply to the open letter in the return and to your filtering criteria display in the grid.
  • Sort columns by clicking a column header.
  • Drag a new keyword from the Keyword Library inside free flow text or paragraph content controls in a letter.

The Keyword Library includes a search box to locate objects in the library:

  1. Enter complete or partial criteria in the box above the list in the library, and then click.
  2. When the search is complete, the folders containing matches to the criteria you entered will open in the library and the matching items will be selected.
  3. The number of matches found displays to the right of the root folder in the library.
  4. Click next to the Search box to remove highlighting from the library and enable the Search button.

    Note: The Search icon changes to the Clear Search Results icon when the search process starts.

Warning! If you manually override a keyword, the letter becomes static and will no longer dynamically update if the letter template is changed.

ClosedSaving Correspondence

  1. On the Letters tab, click.
  2. Close Correspondence Manager.
  3. Close the Tax print windows.
  4. In Tax, select Calc > Return in the Process group on the Home tab. Your correspondence changes are applied to the return.
  5. Notes:

    • Changes to paragraphs you save with the return are not changed in the Correspondence Manager Paragraph Library.
    • Edited return letter paragraphs will not revert back to the originating letter template paragraph. However, if you delete the return letter entirely, a new return letter is created from the originating letter template the next time you calculate.
    • If you removed a line space between paragraphs, the space is not removed from in the Correspondence Manager Letter Library. Future line spacing adjustments in the letter template will not be reflected in the return letter.
  6. In Tax, click Save on the Application menu or on the Quick Access Toolbar to save your changes.