Selecting Return Types

The availability of return types when adding new tax returns depends on the client type established in the client profile and the return types licensed by your firm and installed on your machine. A client is assigned one client type, but can have as many as four return types. Each return, created separately, is linked to the client ID and client type.

Example: An Individual client could have an Individual tax return as well as an Estate & Gift tax return. Or, an Individual client may only have an Employee Benefit Plan tax return.

The following table illustrates the return types that apply for each client type.

Available Return Types Client Types
Individual Corporation Partnership Fiduciary Employee Plans Non-profit
1040/Individual X          
1065/Partnership     X      
1120/Corporation   X        
1120S/S Corporation   X        
1041/Fiduciary       X    
5500/Employee Benefit Plan X X X   X  
706/Estate & 709/Gift X     X    
990/Exempt Organization   X   X   X

The system letters that define the return types in the return ID are as follows:

  • (I) Individual
  • (P) Partnership
  • (C) Corporation
  • (S) S Corporation
  • (F) Fiduciary
  • (Y) Estate & Gift
  • (K) Employee Benefit Plan
  • (X) Exempt Organization


  • For tax filing purposes, sole proprietors should be added as an Individual client type. Sole Proprietorship is not an accepted client type in Tax.
  • The availability of return types is also according to the return types for which your firm is licensed.