Uploading Correspondence Letterhead

You can upload image files to create a custom letterhead to use for correspondence letters and invoices, provided it meets the specifications required for correspondence letters. You can upload multiple images to each section. The files must be 1 MB or less per letterhead section and can be TIFF/TIF, JPEG/JPG, GIF, PNG, or BMP.

Show me all letterhead specifications.

To upload a custom letterhead, do the following:

  1. Open Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel, and then click Configuration > Return configuration sets under Tax.
  2. Double-click a return configuration set on the navigation panel.
  3. Click Correspondence > Stationery Options on the navigation panel.
  4. Select Use letterhead, and then click Upload letterhead files to display the Configure Letterhead window.
  5. Note: You can also double-click an image file on the Stationery Options window to display the Configure Letterhead window.

  6. Click Add Image in the Header, Side Margin, or Footer section.
  7. Browse to and select one or more TIFF/TIF, JPEG/JPG, GIF, PNG, or BMP files and click Open.
  8. Note: To select items next to each other, press and hold Shift while clicking the first and last items in the list. To select items that are not next to each other, press and hold Ctrl while clicking each item you want to select.

  9. Drag one or more images to the desired positions within the section, if needed.
  10. Note: Some printer models and printers using a PCL 5 driver do not print to the edge of the page. In this case, position images inside the gray safety margin in each section.

  11. You can do any of the following to complete your letterhead:
    • Repeat steps 5 through 7 to add more images in the same section or a different section.
    • Click Clear All in the Header, Side Margin, or Footer section to remove all images added to the section.
    • Select an image in the Header, Side Margin, or Footer section and click Delete Image to remove a single image file.
    • Note: Multiple images that have been previously uploaded to the same letterhead section are saved as one image file.

  12. Click any of the following buttons:
  13. Button Description

    Prints the letterhead to your default printer.


    • Some printer models and printers using a PCL 5 driver do not print to the edge of the page. Depending on your printer model or driver, the letterhead may be indented up to 1/4" from the edge of the page. In this case, refer to the note under step 7.
    • Images that were copied from a document, and then saved as an image file may appear distorted or blurry.
    • A minimum DPI printer setting of 300 is recommended for a higher quality resolution.

    Displays a preview of the letterhead layout. The Print preview window includes an option to enlarge or decrease the zoom factor and an option to print the letterhead.


    • Changing the zoom factor may reduce an image's sharpness.
    • Images that were copied from a document, and then saved as an image file may appear distorted or blurry.
    Upload Saves your changes, uploads the images, saves the uploaded images as a single image file, and returns you to the Stationery Options window.
    Cancel Returns you to the Stationery Options window without saving your changes.