Using View Filters

You can define which records you want to display in a view using the View Filters pane. The filters that are available vary depending on the type of view you select.

Note: If the View Filters pane does not display in Workstream, select the Filters check box in the Show/Hide Panes section of the Views ribbon to display it.

To set view filters, do the following:

  1. Click Projects under Workstream on the Application Links tab in Dashboard.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • To set filters for an existing view, double-click the view in the Navigation pane.
    • To create a new view, right-click the Navigation pane and select New View. You can also click New View in the Manage group on the Views ribbon.
  3. In the View Filters pane, select the View Type.
  4. ClosedSelect the client to filter on, if necessary.
    1. In the Identifiers section, click thebutton next to the Client field, and then select to choose clients by client name or client ID.
    2. Change the operator from equals to does not equal if needed.
    3. Enter text in the box to display the top search results. As you type, matching clients display. A search phrase of up to three words lists all search results that contain the search phrase.
    4. Example: The search phrase Jon Tyler can list Jonathan Tyler or Tyler Jones in the search results.

    5. Select the client name or ID once you see it.
  5. Set filters for other categories and fields as needed. Some filter fields allow you to select an item from a the Keyword list to enter a variable value in the filter. See Keywords below for more information.
  6. Click Go to display records matching your selected criteria in the grid.

Note: To return the view filters to their default values, click Reset.


You can use keywords to create flexible views. Keywords are terms such as, (Is blank) or (First day of this month) and prevent you from needing to constantly redefine the search for new information.

Keywords are available in the filter lists or by clicking the keyword button for date fields; however, they are not available for filters with text boxes. Date keywords calculate based on your system's current date.

ClosedProject search examples using keywords.

ClosedWorkstep search examples using keywords

ClosedForm search examples using keywords