Removing a Workstep from a Workstep Group

When you remove a workstep from a group, the removed workstep remains in the workstep list immediately below the group it was part of. You can then reorder or delete the workstep as needed.

Note: To delete a workstep group, you first must remove the child worksteps from the group, then save the template or project. You can then delete the empty group as you would any other workstep. See Deleting Worksteps from a Template for information about deleting worksteps and workstep groups.

To remove a child workstep from a group, do the following:

  1. Open the template or project for which you are removing the child workstep.
  2. Click Worksteps on the navigation panel.
  3. Click the button next to the workstep group you are changing.
  4. Click the child workstep you want to remove from the group.
  5. Click Remove from Group on the button bar.
  6. If needed, select the removed workstep and click Move Up or Move Down to change the order of the workstep in the list. You can also click Delete to delete it.