Viewing a Discussion List

The Discussions list window provides you with a static list of discussions that have been created for the selected file. Only those discussions that you have permission to view display in the list. You can select to view the details of any discussion in the list or you can select to create a new discussion. For more information about starting a discussion, see Creating a New Discussion.

The discussions list can be accessed from the file's right-click menu after you have selected an item from a file list or following a search. For more information about searching for files, see Searching for Files in Document.

Note: The items on the right-click menu vary depending on your permissions and security group assignments. Administrative users can change permissions and security group assignments in Administration Manager. See the Administration Manager Help and the topic Managing Access in CCH® ProSystem fx® for more information.

To view a discussion list for a file, do the following: 

  1. Right-click the selected file.
  2. Select Discussions > View discussion list from the menu. The Document Discussions window displays with the name of the file at the top. ClosedExplain the components of the window.
  3. Click the hyperlink in the Title column of any discussion to display its details. Discussions marked as a sticky thread remain at the top of the list regardless of any subsequent entries posted.
  4. Click Close.