Creating Basic Reports Using the Wizard

Basic reports can be customized using the Basic Custom Report wizard, allowing you to specify the columns, grouping, sorting, and selection criteria.

To create a basic custom report using the wizard, do the following:

  1. Open Dashboard, click Applications on the navigation panel, and then click Run a report under Reports.
  2. Select a group in the My Reports or Shared Library section on the navigation panel.
  3. Click New > Basic > Use the Wizard in the Report group on the Home tab.
  4. Select a report type from the list. The report type determines the available fields.
  5. Select the fields you want to appear as columns in the report. ClosedExplain the components to add, remove, and reorder columns.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Select the fields by which to group identical values in the report. Only the fields selected as columns on the previous window that can be grouped display in the Selected fields list. ClosedExplain the components to add, remove, and reorder groupings.
  8. Click Next to continue to the next window of the wizard.
  9. Note: To return to the previous window, click on the wizard's toolbar.

  10. If desired, select the subtotal and the sorting options for the fields in the report. If there are no non-grouped fields after the Grouping window displays, the Subtotal and Sorting window does not display. ClosedExplain the components to subtotal and sort values.
  11. Click Next.
  12. Enter your report filtering criteria by clicking in the blank line that is provided. You can edit existing criteria by clicking a cell in the grid and entering new criteria. To remove a line of criteria, select the line and press Delete on your keyboard or click .
  13. Tip: To view the parentheses columns and the And/Or columns, click Advanced. Click Simple to show fewer options.

    ClosedExplain the components of the window.

    ClosedExplain the process of creating criteria lines.

    1. Click in the ( column to enter an opening parenthesis, if needed. Click repeatedly to add up to three opening parentheses.
    2. Note: If you do not see the ( column, click Advanced.

    3. Click in the Field Name column to select a field from the list.
    4. Click in the Operator column to select an operator from the list.
    5. Note: The Between operator filters alphanumeric values, such as client ID-sub ID, as text. For example, for clients IDs 1, 2, 10, and 100, filtering between 1 and 100 only returns results for client IDs 1, 10, and 100. Client ID 2 is not included in the results unless you expand the range to 1 and 200. To include specific clients, we suggest using the In list, Contains, or Like operator when filtering alphanumeric values.

    6. Click in the Value column to enter the value used by the operator in relation to the field.
    7. Click in the ) column to enter up to three closing parentheses, if needed. You must use a closing parenthesis for every opening parenthesis used.
    8. If there are additional criteria lines, click in the And/Or column to select AND or OR, depending on the relationship between the lines.
    9. Notes:

      • The And/Or column displays only in the Advanced view.
      • The OR connector may return more results than you expect, particularly if All is selected as one of the connected values. Data that meets either line of criteria will be included in the results. For example, if you filter a specific date range in one line and All staff in another line, the report will includes results for all staff, regardless if the data is in the selected date range.
    10. Repeat these steps for any additional criteria lines. You can enter up to 15 lines.
  14. Click Next.
  15. Enter a unique name for the report in the box provided.
  16. Enter a description of the report in the box provided.
  17. Select whether you want to modify the report design, preview the report, or save the report and close the wizard.
  18. Click Finish.