Getting Started

The Reports Manager window displays all existing reports for the selected report group on the navigation panel. The window provides you with the ability to perform various tasks for new and existing reports using standard grid and ribbon controls.

The main components of the window are the commands used to update the grid and navigation panel data, which are the Application menu, Quick Access Toolbar, and ribbon, the navigation panel, and the Reports Manager grid.

Reports Manager Commands

Most of the features used in Reports Manager are accessed from commands found on one of the following:

ClosedApplication Menu

The Application menu contains the available actions for CCH® ProSystem fx®  product. The menu also provides access to user options and, if applicable, a list of recently accessed records. Click in the upper-left corner of the window to display the menu and view the available options.

ClosedQuick Access Toolbar

The Quick Access Toolbar is located beside the Application button and is used to access frequently used commands, such as a command to open Dashboard.

Click next to the Quick Access Toolbar to display the menu. You can move the toolbar position above or below the ribbon and show or hide the ribbon, depending on your preference.


The ribbon is used throughout CCH® ProSystem fx®. It replaces the menus used in previous product versions. You no longer have to navigate menus or open multiple toolbars to locate the commands you need. Each ribbon can have multiple tabs. Commands displayed on each tab vary by module. On each tab, commands are grouped by similar functions.

You can control the appearance and functionality of the ribbon with the following features:

  • Minimize. You can minimize the ribbon by right-clicking the ribbon and selecting Minimize the Ribbon from the menu or by double-clicking a ribbon tab.
  • KeyTips. Each tab on the ribbon and each feature in a ribbon have corresponding keyboard commands. Press the Alt key to display the shortcuts and use your keyboard to execute ribbon commands.
  • ScreenTips. A description and, if applicable, a keyboard shortcut displays when you hover your mouse over each ribbon command.

Navigation Panel

The navigation panel appears on the left of the Reports Manager window and consists of five sections. Private, shared, and system-defined groups are organized under folders in a tree format within each section.

Click one of the following navigation bars to display a section:

  • My Reports. Your private groups
  • Shared Library. Groups that are accessible to all staff who have assigned rights
  • Firm Library. System-defined reports
  • Schedule. Private and shared groups that are scheduled
  • Recent History. Most recently generated reports

You can create groups and folders to display on the navigation panel sections. The folders, sub-folders, and groups will be nested under the parent folder in the tree. For more information, see Managing Report Groups.

Reports Manager Grid

The Reports Manager grid lists the report names and report types for the selected group on the navigation panel. Any sorting or grouping changes you make to the grid are retained the next time you open the grid.

Note: The grid will only display information you have access or assigned permission rights to view.

To learn more about using the grid controls, see Managing the Reports Manager Grid.

Getting Support

You can directly link to supporting information for and assistance with CCH® ProSystem fx®. Click Get Support, located in the status bar, to do the following:

  • View trending articles. Click any of the links provided to read topical information about the products you use.
  • Ask a question. Submit a question or comment by opening a Support case or chat. You can track your case using a link on the Support site or from a link in the email notification that Support sends. You receive another email notification when Support responds to your request.

See the following topics for more information about getting started with Report Specifications:

Managing the Reports Manager Grid

CCH IntelliConnect Browser Search

Reports Dashboard Pane

Help Features