Adding or Editing Client Contacts

Client contacts are persons in the client’s organization or relation who are responsible to represent the client. A contact can be assigned to one or multiple clients. For example, your firm may have clients that are related and work with the same contacts. For information about assigning contacts, see Managing Client Contacts. Contacts you save are automatically assigned to the open client. The client used to create the contact becomes the originating client for the contact and the originating client name is indicated in the client contacts grid. Contacts that are saved to the originating client are available for assignment by other clients.


  • The name entered for each contact is used as the legal name for the contact.
  • Client associates are individuals, businesses, or other entities outside the client’s organization who are authorized to provide additional information about the client when required, such as banks or lawyer. See Managing Client Associates for more information.

To add or edit client contact information, do the following:

  1. Open Dashboard, click Configuration on the navigation panel, and then click Client under Client Manager.
  2. Do one of the following:
  3. Click Contacts under Profile Information on the navigation panel.
  4. Do one of the following to display the client contact profile:
    • Add a contact. Click New on the button bar to add a client contact.
    • Copy a contact. Select a client contact in the grid and click Copy on the button bar to create a contact based on the selected contact. All information from the originating contact is copied except for the name, notes, and email and instant messenger addresses.
    • Edit a contact. Select a contact in the grid and click Open on the button bar to edit an existing client contact.
  5. Click Full Name to enter the contact's name. Full name can include title, first, middle, and last names, and a suffix. First and last names are required.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Enter the client contact information on the General tab. ClosedExplain the components of the window.
  8. Click Notes on the navigation panel to document specific information about this client contact. See Managing Client Contact Notes for more information about saving client contact notes.
  9. Click one of the client contact profile ClosedSave buttons or cancel.
  10. Click one of the client profile ClosedSave buttons or cancel.

Important: You must save the client profile to save the client contact information.
