Assigning Clients to a Client Group

You can define the clients that should be included in a client group. Client groups can consist of any number of clients and one client can belong to multiple client groups.

You can manage client groups using the following methods:

Tip: Client groups are a recommended best practice for grouping and reporting purposes. We also recommend you add your clients prior to setting up client groups.

To assign clients to a client group, do the following:

  1. Open Dashboard, click Configuration on the navigation panel, and then click Client Groups under Client Manager.
  2. Open the Client Group window using one of the following methods:
    • Click New > Client Group in the Create group on the Home tab, or right-click and select New > Client Group from the menu.
    • Select a group in the grid, and click Open in the Edit group on the Home tab.
  3. Enter General client group information, if needed.
  4. Click Assigned Clients on the navigation panel.
  5. Define the client attributes for the client group.
    1. In the Client attribute criteria grid, select a field to filter by. The available fields include Region, Office, Business unit, Type, Class, Line of business, Primary service type, and Business code, when applicable to the client type.
    2. ClosedExplain the components of the Client attribute criteria grid.

    3. Enter as many lines of criteria as necessary to select the clients for this group. ClosedShow me an example.
    4. Example: To create a client group that includes all the clients in the main office with an assigned client type of Corporation, your filtering criteria would look like the following:

    5. Click to refresh the list of clients in the Client Group Assignments grid. Clients who meet the attribute criteria display in the grid.
  6. Select specific clients to include from the Client Group Assignments grid, if necessary. ClosedExplain the components of the Client Group Assignments grid.
  7. Select from the button bar options, if necessary. ClosedExplain the button bar options.
  8. Click one of the ClosedSave buttons or cancel.