Managing Staff Profiles for Document

Staff members are created and managed in Dashboard. Once a staff member is created, you can perform the following Document setup in the staff profile:

  • Select a folder template to be used for storing files for the staff member
  • Add or manage custom folders
  • Enable and create an email signature

To manage the Document options for a staff member, do the following:

  1. Open Dashboard, click Configuration on the navigation panel, and then click Staff under Staff Manager.
  2. Select a staff member in the Staff grid.
  3. Click Open in the Edit group on the Home ribbon.
  4. Click Document on the navigation panel.
  5. In the Managed folder templates and Extended folder templates sections, select the folder templates to use. See Subscribing to a Folder Template for more information.
  6. If needed, edit the folder structure for a storage area using the Closedcustom folder buttons.
    Add Custom FolderCreates a new custom folder in the selected folder.
    Rename Custom FolderOpens the window where you can rename the selected custom folder.
    Delete Custom FolderPermanently removes the selected custom folder.
    Change Custom Folder ColorOpens the Select folder color window so you can apply a color to the selected custom folder.
  7. To create an email signature for the staff member, select the Enable Email Signature check box, and then enter the signature in the text box.
  8. Click Save to save the changes without closing the Staff Profile window or Save & Close to save the changes and exit the Staff Profile window.