If your firm has multiple offices, you can set options specific to each office by using the procedure below. The options you can set for each office include:
The storage areas used for that office
The folder templates used for each storage area
The name and server for the Document Watcher Service
Settings for the Common Routing Queue (for firms that use CCH® ProSystem fx® Scan)
You can also email an encryption key for the office from this window.
Do the following to configure the Document options for an office:
Open Dashboard, click on the navigation panel, and then click Settings and defaults under Firm.
Click Organizational Units on the navigation panel.
Select the office to configure options for, and then click Open.
Managed Storage. The primary storage location used to store your active or current files. Files in this storage area are managed through the Document application.
Extended Storage. Location for storing linked files such as CaseWare® files, QuickBooks™ files, or linked Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheets.
Archived Storage. A secondary storage location for storing older or inactive files.
Recycle Bin Storage. Location where deleted or expired files are stored. Files can be restored or permanently purged from this storage area.
In the Managed folder templates section, select the folder template to use for the storage area. See Subscribing to a Folder Template for more information.
If needed, edit the folder structure for the office using the buttons in the Managed folder preview section.
Add Custom Folder
Creates a new custom folder in the selected folder.
Rename Custom Folder
Opens the window where you can rename the selected custom folder.
Delete Custom Folder
Permanently removes the selected custom folder.
Change Custom Folder Color
Opens the Select folder color window so you can apply a color to the selected custom folder.
In the Extended storage file types section, enter information about the application file types that to store in the extended storage area.
In the Extended storage folder templates section, select the folder template to use for a storage area. See Subscribing to a Folder Template for more information.
If needed, edit the folder structure for the extended storage in the office using the buttons in the Extended folder preview section.
Add Custom Folder
Creates a new custom folder in the selected folder.
Rename Custom Folder
Opens the window where you can rename the selected custom folder.
Delete Custom Folder
Permanently removes the selected custom folder.
Change Custom Folder Color
Opens the Select folder color window so you can apply a color to the selected custom folder.
If needed, expand the Email encryption key section so you can email the firm encryption key to staff members you select. See Managing and Sending Encryption Keys for more information about using encryption keys.
If needed, configure the options in the Document Watcher Service section.
Watcher Service Name
Enter a name for this Watcher Service.
Server Name
Enter the server name or IP address of the server where the Watcher Service should monitor extended folders.
Enter a number to indicate how often the routing service should check for new folders and files.
Wait <#> seconds before routing file to confirm file size/date/time has not changed
Enter a number to indicate how long the system should wait after a file is added to a monitored folder before the file is uploaded to Document.
Server path
Enter the path to the Document server.
Watched folders grid
The folders that the common routing service is monitoring for newly scanned files. You can:
Add a folder. Click into the blank row at the top of the grid. Enter a folder for Document to watch in the Scan Folder Name column. Then, enter the UNC path for the scan folder. Click Save to save the settings without exiting the window, or click Save & Close to save the settings and close the window.
Stop the routing service from watching a folder. Select the folder in the grid, and then click Remove Selected.