Creating a Custom File Naming Convention for Tax Returns

You can create a file naming convention that will be applied to tax returns sent to Document. Using a file naming convention ensures that all returns are named in a consistent and easily identifiable way.

Note: File naming conventions are specific to each tax system. If you want to use the same file naming convention for all tax systems, you must select it separately for each system.

ClosedCreate a file naming convention for tax returns.

  1. Open Dashboard, click on the navigation panel, and then click Settings and defaults under Firm.
  2. On the navigation panel, select Document > Tax Mapping to display the invoice mapping options.
  3. In the Tax mapping section, select the tax system you are creating a file naming convention for in the Tax system field.
  4. In the Default file naming conventions section, select New file naming conventions from the Available file name list.
  5. Click Add field to display the list of field tags that you can use to create a default file naming convention.
  6. In the Insert Smart Tags window, select a field tag to use as part of the file naming convention, and then click Add.
  7. Continue adding field tags as needed until you have added all the fields you want to use as part of the file name.
  8. Note: As you add fields, the whole file naming convention displays as a sample at the bottom of the Tax mapping window. You can use this sample to verify that the file naming convention appears as you expect it to.

  9. Click Close.

  10. If needed, edit the text in the Default file name field. You cannot edit the field tags, but you can add separators, space, or text between the fields. The information you enter will be included in all the files using this convention.
  11. Click OK.