Creating Portal Folder Templates
Portal provides a default folder template for your firm's use. You can also create additional folder templates if needed. There are two ways to create a new folder template:
- Starting with a blank template. If the folder structure of the new template will not be similar to the folder structure of an existing template, it may be most efficient to start with a blank template.
- Copying an existing template. If you have an existing folder template that is similar to the one you want to create, then copying the existing template and modifying the copy may be more efficient than starting with a blank template.
To create a folder template using either of these methods, do the following:
- Open Dashboard, click on the navigation panel, and then click Settings and defaults under Firm.
- Click Portal > Folder Template on the navigation panel.
- Do one of the following:
- To start with a blank template, click New on the button bar.
- To create a new template based on an existing one, select the existing template in the grid, and then click Copy Template.
- Enter a name for the template.
- Do any of the following as needed in the Collaboration Folder Template window:
- Add a folder. Select the folder that will hold the new folder. Then, click New Folder. Enter a name for the folder, and then press Tab on your keyboard.
- Rename a folder. Select the folder you want to rename, and then click Rename Folder. Enter a new name for the folder, and then press Tab on your keyboard.
- Delete a folder. Select the folder you want to delete, and then click Delete Folder to remove it. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
- Change the order of folders. Select a folder that you want to move, and then click Move Up or Move Down to change the position of the folder in the template. When a folder containing other folders is moved, the sub-folders within it are moved as well. You can move a folder up or down in the same level in which it is located, but not to another level.
- Click OK.