Linking Tax Clients to Portals
You can link CCH® ProSystem fx® Tax clients to their portals in batches. Once you create links between clients and portals, you can publish returns created with Tax directly to the client portals. You also can batch print organizers to client portals.
Before you can establish client links, you first must export client information from Tax to an Excel® (*.xls or *xlsx) or comma-separated values (*.csv) document. Portal references the information in this document to help you match individual clients to their portals. You can export this client information using Office Manager in the CCH ProSystem fx Tax application. For detailed instructions on exporting the client information, see the Office Manager Help.
To create links between clients and their portals, do the following:
- Open Dashboard, click on the navigation panel, and then click Settings and defaults under Firm.
- Click Portal > Manage Client Links on the navigation panel.
- Click Batch Client Linking in the upper-right corner of the window.
- Select the application for which you want to map clients to portal.
- Click Import Client Linking Template.
- Browse to and select the document containing the client data you want to import. The list of clients included in the document displays in the grid on the left side of the window. The list of client portals displays in the grid on the right.
- Select an option from the list above the left grid to indicate which fields should be used to match clients with their corresponding portals. You can choose to use the client name, email ID, or a combination of both fields.
- If needed, select an option from the list above the right grid to indicate how you want to filter the list of portals. You can choose to filter the list of portals to that are exact or possible matches, or you can choose to list all portals.
- To link a client to a portal, do the following:
- Select the client in the left grid.
- Select the client's portal in the right grid.
- Click Link Client.
- Repeat the previous step until you have mapped all the clients and portals.
- Click OK.
- Click OK again.