Managing Portal Client Users
In most cases, the clients for whom you have created portals will manage their own lists of portal users. However, if needed, firm administrators can also add or delete users for a portal, or edit information for an existing portal user.
To make changes to a list of portal users, do the following:
- Open Dashboard, click on the navigation panel, and then click Settings and defaults under Firm.
- Select Portal > Manage Portal Users.
- Select the office that the portal you want to manage users for is assigned to.
- In the text box next to the Office list, begin entering the name or ID of the client for which you want to add, delete, or edit portal users. As you type, the system suggests client names or IDs that match your entry. Select the correct client. A list of people with access to the client's portal displays in the lower half of the window.
- Do any of the following as needed: