Managing Security Groups

Security groups are used to allow or restrict access for your staff to CCH ProSystem fx modules and functions.

The General tab of the Security Group Profile window allows you to create a unique identifier and create or edit an optional description for each security group in your firm. You can also select the organizational units where the rights of the security group will be applied. Other tabs available from the profile window allow you to manage functional rights for a security group and to assign staff to a security group.

Rights defined in a security group apply when staff assigned to the security group work on areas shown on the Functional Rights tab.

Staff are assigned to security groups either individually or by attributes of the staff.

Access options include the following:

  • Undefined. Functional right not yet assigned.
  • Grant. Functional right allowed.
  • Never allow. Restricts all functional rights including any inherited access.
  • Important: The Never allow assignment, in a security group, overrides that right granted in any other security group. For example, if you are in a security group that has Never allow specified as the right to electronically file tax returns, and you are also in a different security group where Grant is specified for the same right, you will not be able to electronically file tax returns.

To access the security group creation window, do the following:

  1. Open Dashboard, click Configuration on the navigation panel, and then click Security groups under Security.
  2. Do one of the following:
  3. ClosedAdd a security group.
  4. ClosedCopy an existing security group.
  5. Note: Only the organizational units that you have rights to create security groups for are copied to the new group.

  6. ClosedEdit an existing security group.
  7. ClosedDelete a security group.
    1. Select an item in the grid and click Delete in the Edit group on the Home tab.
    2. Click Delete on the confirmation window to permanently remove the security group from the grid.
    3. Note: The Full Rights security group cannot be deleted and the Default Administrator cannot be unassigned from the Full Rights security group.

  8. Enter or edit profile settings, as needed. See the following topics for more information on each profile tab:
  9. Click one of the ClosedSave buttons or Cancel.