Setting Up Functional Rights for a Role

You can assign functional rights to a role if you selected Staff acting in this role should inherit rights specific to the role from the Role Profile > General window.

Only rights recognized when staff act in roles display. Administrative rights that are not related to roles are hidden.

The rights defined with the role are applied when the staff are assigned to the role and are working on the project where the role is assigned.

Note: When a staff is assigned a role, they receive the highest of their combination of security rights (including those assigned in their staff profile and any other security groups they may be assigned to). A staff cannot perform a function if the functional right for the staff is undefined. If a functional right is selected as Never allow in a security group where the staff is assigned, it overrides the right being granted in any security groups or roles.

To set up functional rights for a role, do the following:

  1. Open Dashboard, click Configuration on the navigation panel, and then click Roles under Security.
  2. Do one of the following:
  3. ClosedAdd a role.
  4. ClosedCopy an existing role.
  5. ClosedEdit an existing role.
  6. Select Staff acting in this role should inherit rights that are specific to the role on the General tab.
  7. Click Functional rights on the navigation panel.
  8. Note: This option does not display on the navigation panel until you select Staff acting in this role should inherit rights that are specific to the role.

  9. Select the appropriate option for each product in the grid. ClosedExplain the components of the window.
  10. Click one of the ClosedSave buttons or Cancel.