Using Best Practices to Provide Functional Rights to Staff

Security groups are used to grant staff access to functions in CCH ProSystem fx. A full rights security group is created at installation. The system administrator can assign staff to this group. Assignment to the full rights security group gives staff access to all modules and functions.

Security groups with any level of rights can be created. Staff can be assigned to multiple security groups and have the cumulative rights granted in the various groups. Staff assigned to any group where a function is indicated as Never allow have no access to that function under any circumstance.

Assigning Staff Using the Staff Attribute Criteria Pane

This method gives less precise control. Explicitly including or excluding a few staff in various groups may be required. An advantage of granting access through attributes is that new staff or staff who are reassigned are automatically included in security groups appropriate to their assignment.

Larger firms may find this method satisfies most of their staff access requirements. It fits well where there are well-defined duties associated with staff positions and staff are routinely added or reassigned.

Note: When granting access by attributes, the ability to modify staff attributes should be restricted to groups and staff who are required to maintain those areas. Those access rights are defined in security groups. See Assigning Staff to a Security Group for more information.

Assigning Staff Using the Specific Staff Criteria Pane

This method gives precise control over functional rights, but requires maintenance if functional rights of staff change. Smaller firms may find this method satisfies most of their requirements. It fits well where there are a small number of staff and only a few security groups.

Tip: Start with a few obvious groups based on identified tasks. Consider an administrative group with full rights in all modules, a manager's group with rights to create new clients and staff.

Using Both Methods to Assign Staff to Security Groups

You can use both methods. Many firms will find that securing access through attributes is an efficient way of handling most staff, but the precision of specific selection is best for some staff who need or request specific security considerations.

Tip: As work is planned and performed, it may be determined that others need access in some areas. Create additional security groups to provide that access. This approach leads to a well-defined security system that accurately reflects your security needs.