Editing and Deleting a Staff Template

You can edit or delete an existing staff template in Staff Manager.


  • Staff created with the template prior to the edit will not be affected.
  • The default template cannot be deleted.

To modify or delete an existing staff template, do the following:

  1. Open Dashboard, click Configuration on the navigation panel, and then click Staff under Staff Manager.
  2. Click Staff Templates in the Templates and Settings section on the navigation panel.
  3. Do any of the following:
  4. ClosedEdit an existing staff template.

    1. In the staff templates grid, select the template to edit and then do one of the following:
      • Click Open in the Edit group on the Home tab.
      • Right-click and select Open from the menu.
    2. Modify the information for the existing staff template in the various tabs. Click in the upper-right corner of the window for more assistance, if needed.
    3. Click one of the ClosedSave buttons or Cancel.
    4. Button Description
      Save Saves the staff template and the window stays open for editing.
      Save & New Saves the staff template and opens a new window to create a new staff template.
      Note: This option is not available if editing a staff template.
      Save & Close Saves the staff template and exits the window.
      Cancel Exits the window without saving your changes.

    ClosedDelete a staff template.

    Note: You cannot delete the default template.

    1. In the staff templates grid, select the template to delete and then do one of the following:
      • Click Delete in the Organize group on the Home tab.
      • Right-click and select Delete from the menu.
    2. On the Confirmation window, click Delete to remove the template or Cancel to exit the window without removing the template.