Assigning Staff to a Team

You can define the staff that should be included in a team. Teams can consist of any number of staff and one staff can belong to multiple teams. Team assignments are used in the Staff List report and can be used when making assignments in Workstream.

You can manage staff assignment in the team profile using the following methods:

  • Automatically by attributes. Define a team of staff by selecting attributesClosed Common characteristics that clients or staff are assigned, such as organizational units, types, classes, lines of business, or business codes. they share. Staff whose attributes match the criteria are automatically included in the team. The staff included in the team dynamically change when staff attributes are modified. Even if a staff matches the attributes you select, you can exclude them individually.
  • Individually. You can include or exclude individual staff by selecting them in the Staff Assignments grid. This defines the specific staff to include in or exclude from the team, regardless of their staff attributes.
  • ClosedShow me an example of how these two selection methods can be used together.

    Example: You are creating a team that includes the account managers in your firm's Chicago office, as well as selected account managers in other cities. To identify the account managers in Chicago, you filter the staff list by position and office in the Assign attributes section. After completing the criteria assignment process, you can add individual account managers from other cities by selecting them in the Staff Assignments grid.

Tip: Creating teams is a recommended best practice. Grouping staff in teams can simplify staff management, as administrative tasks can be performed for all team members at one time. For more information on creating teams, see Assigning Staff Teams.

To assign staff in a team profile, do the following:

  1. Open Dashboard, click Configuration on the navigation panel, and then click Teams under Staff Manager.
  2. Do one of the following to open the Team Profile window:
    • Click New > Team in the Create group on the Home tab, or right-click and select New > Team from the menu.
    • Select a team in the grid and click Open > Team in the Edit group on the Home tab.
  3. Enter General team information, if needed.
  4. Click Assigned Staff on the navigation panel.
  5. Define the staff attributes for the team, if needed.
    1. In the Assign Attributes section, select an attribute of staff that will be automatically assigned to the team.
    2. Click Assign to view the assigned staff in the Staff assignments grid. Staff who meet the attribute criteria have a check in the Meets Attributes column. Staff who have been assigned to the team have a check in the Assigned column.
  6. Select specific staff to include or exclude from the Staff assignments grid, if needed.You can use the Show filter or search field at the top of the grid to locate staff and view and/or edit their assigment.
    ClosedExplain the components of the Staff assignments grid.
  7. Tip: You can double-click a staff to open the staff profile to review the staff information, if necessary.

  8. Click one of the ClosedSave buttons or cancel.