Managing Notification Conditions From Dashboard

Use the Configure Notifications window to add, edit, or remove notifications for a wide variety of events. For example, you can select to send notifications when staff members are added, edited, or deleted, or when data maintenance is complete, among other conditions. You define the condition and priority of notifications that are sent to recipients.

To manage notifications, do the following:

  1. Open Dashboard, click Applications on the navigation panel, and then click Configure notifications under Utilities. System notifications that are selected as default or that you or your firm have previously configured display in a grid on the Configure Notifications window.
  2. ClosedExplain the information in the grid.

  3. Click in the Priority, Select By, or Recipient(s) columns to edit these values, if needed.
  4. Add notifications or recipients, or remove notifications using Closedcontrols that are located above the grid.
  5. Click one of the Closedsave buttons or cancel.

Note: CCH ProSystem fx Document has different procedures for setting up notifications. See Configuring Notification Options for information about accessing notification options.