CCH Axcess Tax

ITC Code (Forms 3468, 4255, 8910, 8911, 8834, 8936/Indian Res & Emp Zone Prop)

Enter a code to compute Form 3468 Investment Credit or Form 4255 Recapture of Investment Credit. Recapture of Investment Credit is computed in the year of sale for depreciable assets.

Regular Investment Credit. Enter an "N" for qualifying transition property to carry the appropriate information to Form 3468. The basis of the asset is reduced by 100 percent of the credit.

Code for Indian Reservation Property

Enter a code of "I" to indicate that the property qualifies for the accelerated recovery periods allowed. This is a mandatory entry to use the accelerated recovery periods. Enter the regular MACRS life and method.

Code for Qualified Enterprise Zone Property

Enter code "EZ" to invoke the specialized Qualified Enterprise Zone Property regulations concerning the handling of Section 179.

Codes for Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit (Form 8910)

Enter the appropriate code to carry the vehicle description and date in service to Form 8910, Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit.

Enter a code of "A" to carry the description of the vehicle to the Form 8910, Line 1 and the date placed in service to Line 2.

Also enter on the Depreciation and Amortization worksheet, Listed Property and Percent Excluded section the percent excluded if the vehicle was used less than 100% in a trade or business and the maximum credit allowable amount based on the manufacturer's certification.

Code for Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Credit (Form 8911)

Enter a code of "AH" to carry the cost (after bonus and section 179) of any alternative fuel vehicle refueling property placed in service in 2013 to the Form 8911, Line 1. Also enter on the Depreciation and Amortization worksheet, Listed Property and Percent Excluded section the percent excluded if the vehicle was used less than 100% in a trade or business.

If the location of your main home changed during the tax year and you placed personal use refueling property in service at both locations during the tax year, then use code 'HX' for Alternative Fuel Property - Personal Use. Please see Form 8911 instructions for more information.

Codes for Investment Credit (Form 3468)

Rehabilitation Credit. Enter one of the following codes to carry the appropriate information to Form 3468. The basis of the asset is reduced by 100 percent of the credit.

Code Description
R Pre-1936 buildings
HS Certified historic structures

Note: For code "HS", enter the NPS number on Investment Credit section.

Energy Credit. Enter one of the following codes to carry the appropriate information to Form 3468. The basis of the asset will be reduced by 50 percent of the credit.

Code Description
P Geothermal equipment
H Solar energy equipment
F Fuel cell property
M Microturbine property
HM Combined heat and power - Megawatts
HH Combined heat and power - Horsepower
SW Small wind energy
W Wind facility property - Construction began in 2017
W2 Wind facility property - Construction began in 2018
HP Geothermal heat pump


  • Enter the kilowatt capacity for codes "F" or "M", enter the megawatt capacity for code "HM" and the horsepower capacity for code "HH".
  • If the investment property is financed by subsidized energy financing or industrial development bonds, these properties must be entered on Investment Credit section and no entry in this field.

Qualifying Advanced Coal Project Credit

Enter one of the following codes to carry the appropriate information to Form 3468. The basis of the asset will be reduced by 100% of the credit.

Code Description
CI Advanced coal - Property described in section 48A(d)(3)(B)(i)
CO Advanced coal - Property described in section 48A(d)(3)(B)(ii)
CX Advanced coal - Property described in section 48A(d)(3)(B)(iii)

Qualifying Gasification Project Credit

Enter "G" or "GP" to carry the appropriate information to Form 3468. The basis of the asset will be reduced by 100% of the credit.

Qualifying Advanced Energy Project Credit

Enter "AE" to carry the appropriate information to Form 3468. The basis of the asset will be reduced by 100% of the credit.

Qualifying Therapeutic Discovery Project Credit

Enter "TD" to carry the appropriate information to Form 3468. The basis of the asset will be reduced by 100% of the credit.

Codes for Recapture of Investment Credit (Form 4255)

When an asset is sold that originally qualified for Investment Credit enter one of the above codes to carry the appropriate information to Form 4255.


Other Qualifying Disaster Area Property

The increased section 179 thresholds will be used when 'OD' is entered. Form 4562, Line 1 will be increased by up to $100,000. Form 4562, Line 3 will be increased by up to $600,000. Entering 'OD' does not generate a section 179 deduction. An entry in the Section 179 box is still required.

Code for Enhanced Oil Recovery Credit (Form 8830)

Enter code "O" to compute the Enhanced Oil Recovery Credit for depletion property.

Code for Qualified Electric Vehicle Credit (Form 8834)

Enter code "PE" to compute the Qualified Plug-in Electric Vehicle Credit. The computed credit carries to Form 8834, Part I.

The vehicle must be acquired and placed in service after February 17, 2009.

Enter code "EV" for prior year Qualified Electric Vehicle Credit assets. Not valid for current year assets.

Code for Qualified Plug-in Electric Drive Motor Vehicle Credit (Form 8936)

Enter codes "PI", "P2", "P3", "P4", "P5","P6","P7", or "P8" to compute the Qualified Plug-in Electric Drive Motor Vehicle Credit for Form 8936. To ensure proper presentation of the asset description on Form 8936, Line 1, the year, make, and model of the asset must be entered with a space between each word.

Example: 2009 Chevy Volt.

Also, enter the kilowatt hour capacity of the vehicle's battery to claim the additional portion of the credit.

Code for Reforestation Credit

Use code "T" only for prior year assets that claimed the Reforestation Credit. Not valid for current year assets.

See Also

IRC Section

IDC Code (Depletion only)

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