CCH Axcess Tax

AMT Life

The "AMT Life" is the ADS life as defined in IRC Section 56(a)(1) and is used to compute Alternative Minimum Tax depreciation. The MACRS depreciation adjustment is the difference between regular and AMT depreciation. This adjustment carries to the AMT report and to Form 6251.

Assets placed in service after December 31, 1998:

If no entry is present, the standard recovery period (MACRS life) will be used for AMT calculations. Therefore, the only AMT adjustment will be the difference between MACRS 3-, 5-, 7- and 10-year property using the 200% declining balance method and ADS using the 150% declining balance method.

Assets placed in service before January 1, 1999:

Alternative Minimum Tax on MACRS personal property is computed using the 150 percent declining balance method, changing to straight line when advantageous, over the life entered in this field.

For MACRS real property, AMT depreciation is computed using the straight line method over 40 years. An entry is not necessary for MACRS real property.

For pollution control facilities, enter the "AMT Life" in months.

If no entry is present, the following ADS life is assumed, based on the class life entered in "Life/Rate":

MACRS ADS Assumption ACRS ADS Assumption
3-Year 3 Years 3-Year 5 Years SL (Half year Conv.)
5-Year 5 Years 5-Year 8 Years SL (Half year Conv.)
7-Year 10 Years 10-Year 15 Years SL (Half year Conv.)
10-Year 16 Years 15-Year 15 Years SL (No Conv.)
15-Year 20 Years 18-Year 18 Years SL (No Conv.)
20-Year 25 Years 18-Year* 18 Years SL (Mid month Conv.)
25-Year 50 Years 19-Year* 19 Years SL (Mid month Conv.)
27.5-Year 40 Years    
31.5-Year 40 Years 39-Year 40 Years

* based on date placed in service

Indian Reservation Property

The accelerated Alternative Minimum Depreciation will be calculated using the same Accelerated Recovery Period as used to calculate regular depreciation. No additional entries are necessary.

See Also

Tax Preference (TP) Code

Department Number (Dept. No.)

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