Creating a Custom File Naming Convention for Practice Invoices

By default, invoices sent from Practice to Document are named by concatenating the following fields:

<Invoice> <Invoice #> <invoice data>

If needed, you can change the file naming convention for invoices. Your custom file naming convention can include up to five fields.

Note: Separate file naming conventions can also be created forgeneral files uploaded to Document and for tax returns.

To create a custom file naming convention for Practice invoices, do the following:

  1. Open Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel, and then click Settings and defaults under Firm.
  2. On the navigation panel, select Document > Practice Mapping.
  3. In the Invoice default file naming convention section, select Custom.
  4. Click Add Fields.
  5. In the Insert Smart Tags window, select the fields to use in the file name.
  6. Click Add Selected.
  7. Click OK.