Setting Up General Information for Service Codes

To set up general information for a service code, do the following:

  1. On the Service Codes grid, do one of the following to display the Service Code setup window:
    • Create a new service code. Select New on the button bar, or right-click the grid and select New > New Service Code.
    • Edit an existing service code. Select Edit on the button bar, or right-click a code in the grid and select Open > Open Service Code from the menu.
  2. In the top section of the window, enter or edit the service code information as necessary. ClosedExplain the components of the window.
  3. Click the General tab.
  4. Select an option in the Type section. The option that you select will affect the options that display on the Bill Rate/Amount tab. ClosedShow me more information about the available options.
  5. Option Description
    Time Indicates that the service code will have hours associated with it. If you select Time, you will be able to enter time details on the Bill Rate/Amount tab.
    Expense Indicates that the service code may have units associated with it, but not hours.
    Reimbursable expense Indicates that the service code may have units associated with it, but not hours. This code can also be used for special expense reporting.
    Mileage/unit expense Available when you select the Expense or Reimbursable expense type. If the box is selected, the service code will have units associated with it.

  6. Select an option in the Billable section. Once the service code has been used, you cannot change this option. ClosedShow me more information about the available options.
  7. Select options in the Time Details section, if needed. These options are only available if you selected the Time type. ClosedShow me more information about the Time Details section.
  8. Click one of the ClosedSave buttons or Cancel