Viewing the List of Service Codes Set Up for Your Firm

Service codes are classifications used to specify the charge for time and expense transactions. You can view or edit the list of service codes set up for your firm in the Lists module.

To view the list of service codes set up for your firm, do the following:

  1. Open Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel, and then click Lists under Firm.
  2. Click Practice Lists > Service Codes >Service Codes. The service codes grid displays in the main window.

Note: You may need to click Refresh to view updates to the grid.

From this grid, you can also create and edit service codes.

ClosedCreating new service codes

To open the service code setup window, do one of the following:

  • Select New in the button bar.
  • Right-click the grid and select New > New Service Code from the menu.

SeeManaging Service Codes for detailed information about the elements on the window.

ClosedEditing existing service codes

To open the window for editing an existing service code, do one of the following:

  • Select an item and click Edit on the button bar.
  • Right-click an item to modify and select Open > Open Service Code from the menu.

SeeManaging Service Codes for detailed information about the elements on the window.

ClosedDeleting service codes.

You can delete service codes without any active references, or those with posted, unbilled, nonbillable WIP.

To delete a service code, do one of the following:

  • Select an item to delete, and then click Delete in the button bar.
  • Right-click the item to delete on the grid and select Delete from the menu.