Selecting Tax Rates and Surcharges for a Service Code

Tax rates should be associated with the specific service codes that they apply. You can also add surcharges to a service code.

Note: A tax rate also must be associated with the client to be charged.

Tip: You can prevent surcharges from being applied to a particular client's past due invoice by clearing the Calculate Surcharges option on the Billing Options tab of the client profile.

To set up tax rates and service charges for a service code, do the following:

  1. On the Service Codes grid, do one of the following to display the Service Code setup window:
    • Create a new service code. Select New on the button bar, or right-click the grid and select New > New Service Code.
    • Edit an existing service code. Select Edit on the button bar, or right-click a code in the grid and select Open > Open Service Code from the menu.
  2. In the top section of the window, enter or edit the service code information as necessary. ClosedExplain the components of the window.
  3. Select the Tax/Surcharges tab.
  4. In the Tax Rates section, select Include for each tax rate to apply to this service code, if any. The tax rates that are available here are the ones that were set up in the Tax Rates list.
  5. Note: If you select a tax that was set up to be calculated on another tax, the other tax will be selected automatically and cannot be cleared.

  6. In the Surcharge section, select the type of surcharge to apply to this service code, if any. ClosedShow me more information about this section.
  7. Click one of the ClosedSave buttons or Cancel